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  1. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    My parents don't even want to keep the cat anymore becuase it seems untrainable. Also, money is a big issue. Is there anything I could do that costs nothing, or very cheap. Like things that use home items. Tricks
  2. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    what is it? how do you use it? were do you get it?
  3. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    yep, neutered
  4. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    His name is oliver, sorry
  5. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    also, the kitty doesn't even care about privacy, it will pee in the middle of the kitchen with four people in there
  6. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    about five months old, isn't this old enough? Pippen, Did you just keep them there forever, or did you eventually move them?
  7. M

    Mentally Retarded Cat?

    Ok... I got a kitten about two months ago from the humane league. For the first two days it was a normal kitty, it played, and crapped in the litter box. It got sick, and we took it to the vet, and he prescribed medicene, we gave it to the cat, and it got better. After that, it crapped in the...