Search Results

  1. lizch6699

    Quick declaw/swelling question

    I searched through the forums and couldn't find the answer I was looking for. Mama had one of her back toes declawed last friday (she had snapped the nail in half) and everything seems to be going fine except that the one toe is swollen. I didn't notice the swelling before so I'm inclined to...
  2. lizch6699

    Be there or not?

    After months of medication and fluids, it's time to put Otis to sleep. I've decided to do so this Saturday. I can't bare the thought of being there while it happens but I don't want to regret it either. He's not doing well at all, but he's got enough spunk where he'll probably fight and I'm...
  3. lizch6699

    Cruise Suggestions?

    I'm trying to plan a cruise for my spring break but have NO idea where to start! I live in Texas so I'm looking to leave from this area. Can anyone who's gone on a cruise tell me a little about where you went, which cruise ship you took, and if you enjoyed it? Any information would be helpful!
  4. lizch6699

    Help solve the mystery!

    My cat Mama is having some problems that have both the vet and me completely confused and frustrated. For the past couple of weeks she has had problems walking. The first time this happened she stopped walking, her lymph nodes in her rear legs got swollen, layed on the bed all day, and her fever...
  5. lizch6699

    Need immediate advice... blood clot

    Mama appears to have a blood clot in her back legs. She has a severe heart murmur and was recently placed on medication called Enacard. The medication mentions that weakness and lethargy are a side effect. She's been hobbling around and hasn't been walking around much. The emergency vet is about...
  6. lizch6699

    Sub-Q absorption rate?

    Otis started his sub-q fluids today after 2 days of IV treatment. I gave him 100 ml today at around 11, it's been over 12 hours and he still has a decent sized ball of fluids under his skin right now. He's been diagnosed as CRF and I'm afraid that his kidneys aren't working. Does anyone have any...
  7. lizch6699

    Will and IV cause swollen paw?

    Otis is home from the vet for the night (I have to take him back in tomorrow) so they left the IV needle in his arm with it bandaged up. When I first got him home I noticed that his paw was swollen but I assumed it was from the fluids. That was about 5 hours ago and his paw is still big. The...
  8. lizch6699


    Otis has poor kidney functioning and from time to time he gets really dehydrated. This past time he had me scared so I started up with giving him pedialite. Well come to find out, he loves the taste of pedialite... which is weird because I think it's disgusting! I'm thinking about keeping a dish...
  9. lizch6699

    Overgrooming? Bald spot

    I've recently noticed a bald spot on my cat Mama under her shoulder blade. It wasn't there earlier today and now it is a solid quarter sized bald spot. The last few days I've been noticing Otis's fur getting coarse in the exact same spot and his hair has been thinning but he doesn't have the...
  10. lizch6699

    Split nail...

    Mama fell off of our ledge upstairs and fell about 10-15 feet down to the floor. She landed on her feet and everything seemed fine. I checked her paws and legs to see if anything was tender and nothing bothered her. Then today I was clipping her nails and noticed that one of them is completely...
  11. lizch6699

    Emergency! Bee sting

    My cat just got stung by a bee about 15 minutes ago. Now her paw is swelling and her back is twitching. I don't have access to a car for at least another 15 minutes. What can I do to help things out right now?!
  12. lizch6699

    Breeding costs?

    I am interested in breeding cats. I've got a few years until I'm going to be ready financially so I'm curious as to how much breeding costs? I'm looking to own my own queen and stud, probably Bengals. I would also like them to have their own enclosure with 'fake' trees and stuff to climb and...
  13. lizch6699

    Caution.. rant!

    I'm sooooo mad! Lol I have no one else to rant to and I just need some reassurance. I've been dating my boyfriend for about 2 1/2 years. We started dating when I was in high school and financial issues just weren't an issue then. Now that we've been living together I'm starting to find things...
  14. lizch6699

    Otis loves snow!

    Otis is the only one of my cats who doesn't mind going outside, even if it's snowing! He poofs up when he gets cold Begging to go out... On his way... (I just love this picture) Final destination...
  15. lizch6699

    Help, moving across country!!

    I'm moving from Michigan to Texas in May. I'm trying to decide what would be the easiest way to get my 3 cats down there. Option 1 is to fly them, it's about 3-4 hours for the flight but Mama has a strong heart murmur and Otis has comprimised kidney functioning meaning we wouldn't be able to...
  16. lizch6699

    Kitty kisses

    Mama gets extremely affectionate from time to time Anyone else have kissing pictures
  17. lizch6699

    Wrestling kitties

    I always get a kick out of watching my cats wrestle and play Post your pics of your babies playing.
  18. lizch6699

    Is this common after spaying? *Pics

    Mama got spayed on Tuesday and last night (thursday night) I noticed a bruise on her belly under her stitches. She otherwise seems fine and it's not tender when I touch it. Is it common to have a little bruising or is internal bleeding something to be concerned about?
  19. lizch6699

    Help removing eye lube?

    Mama just got spayed today and they put lube in her eyes while she was under anesthisia. Now her eyes are all sticky and she can't see very comfortably out of them. I tried using a wet cloth but that didn't help. Does anyone know what I can use to help 'ungunk' her eyes?
  20. lizch6699

    I'm a killer...

    Yup, that's right. Every time I go back to read over my old comments on peoples threads I notice that I'm always the last one to post! So I guess I'm officially a post killer! Anyone else a killer out there? Lol