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  1. N


    I have asked for help/advice here in the past about Seth's spontaneous aggressiveness with us. Since we have had her, she has grown to trust us for weeks on end and act like an angel, only to turn around and bite us and attack us for no reason. She has never allowed us to hold her without a...
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    Possible To Train a Cat to Like Children?

    So, my husband and I have been visiting various shelters in our area and hoping to find a perfect match for our little girl, Seth. We're wanting to get a young adult male, preferably a cuddlebug that doesn't fear people or other cats. Well, we've met a sweet 3 year old longhaired black cat, but...
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    Impatient Kitty?

    I usually try to switch up my morning routine with Seth, but it usually involves either having a playtime, feeding her canned food, or me eating breakfast (which is rare to come first compared to the other two). So this morning, I was so hungry! When I came out of the bedroom, Seth was purring...
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    Getting Very Frustrated

    We've had Seth for about 3 months now, and I thought she had come a long way. She's around 7 1/2-8 months old now. She had a real biting/clawing problem, and pretty much did not like being touched by anyone and would strike out if anyone got near her. She had gotten to the point where she would...
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    Sleeping Habits

    How many hours do your cats sleep? I'm just curious because Seth-chan seems to sleep more and more as she gets older. She's awake in the early morning (4 am) and plays up a storm (usually with my feet). I go back to bed until 9:00 am, we play some more, and then she gets her reward feast...
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    Possible Feral or Homeless Kitty

    For the past 2 weeks, my husband has been seeing a young adult cat outside in the early morning (4am) and at night time when he gets home (around 7:30-8pm). He says it looks much like a bengal or a similar breed. It has golden fur and black spots (not tabby), and it has a smaller head than a...
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    Disrupting the Kitty Nest?

    My cat has her nest under the futon in the living room. She has her babies (a blue mouse toy and a white piggie toy) there as well. We even bought her a cat bed, but she won't use it. She'd rather sleep under the futon than on it. The problem is, that the futon has been in the bed position...
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    Weighing Pros and Cons of Getting Another Kitten

    The hubby and I are still considering getting another kitten, within a month or 2 range of Seth-chan, who is 6 1/2 months old or so (female). I wouldn't be so hesitant if I weren't worried about the introduction process. So I've been weighing out pros and cons... Pros 1) Seth will have a friend...
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    Seth Bumped Her Head

    Yesterday, Seth was playing on the couch and got overexcited, flipping off the edge of the couch and bumping her little head on the kitchen floor (made a loud thud, but I didn't really see how big the impact was). She acted fine for most of the day, so I forgot all about it. Later on, she was...
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    Territorial Behaviour-Tubs & Sinks?

    After weeks of keeping the tub filled up with a little bit of water, I started using Feliway on the bathtub to try to keep Seth from using it as a litterbox (she seems to like the texture or perhaps the cleanliness of it?). She immediately jumps in after I spray it down, and plays there all the...
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    Ear Nibbling?

    My little girl, Seth, has grown more and more loving towards me--nudging, rubbing, and even grooming my face when I'm napping or resting on the couch. She still has her occasional tantrum (usually when my hubby goes back to work after the weekend) where she bites the crap out of me, but we...
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    Seth-chan Pictures

    My little mean girl Rabbit kitty, thumping a hat to death: Guarding the bathroom sink--i actually had to start putting things in the sink because she got really territorial of it: Playtime: Flying during playtime:
  13. N

    Kitten Doesn't Like her Food Anymore?

    Seth-chan has become increasingly picky over the past two weeks and I'm not sure why. She eats up all of her food when I feed her the canned, wet Science Diet food, but whenever I give her dry food (Science Diet for Kittens moistened with water) she only eats a small amount and then turns her...
  14. N

    Leaving Kitten for 2 Nights: A Bad Idea?

    So here's my predicament. My husband has to go up to Northern Maine for work orientation this coming Monday and Tuesday (8 hours of orientation each day). It is a 3 1/2 hour drive both ways. If he stayed at home and drove it, this would mean he would have to get up at 2 or 3 every morning and...
  15. N

    Kitty Gone Crazy O_O

    Seth-chan had been doing much better in the company of my husband. Here's my previous topic about her not trusting my husband: . Last weekend she did really well, and had limited to no biting or scratching. Our Feliway spray also came in...
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    Kitten Mreowling

    Seth-chan is usually a very quiet girl (vocally), except when she's trying to get into the bedroom while we're sleeping. This morning (at 4 something am) she's gone sprinting and attacking receipts that she snagged off of the kitchen table. She's been panting and mreowling excitedly, then...
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    Pooping>Behaviour Issue?

    Well, three weeks ago, my cute little Seth-chan started pooping in our tub. We didn't know why, but we thought we would try to see if it was just a confusion issue or something (her litterbox is in the bathroom). After the second time, I filled the tub (about paw deep) with water and she learned...
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    Too Soon For Another Kitten?

    My hubby and I have had seth-chan (who is actually around 6 months old according to the vet, not 5 months old) for a month now. She still has her shy streaks and tantrums, but we are very patient and her training is really coming along. Anyhoo, the vet said she's looking good but I have to take...
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    Kitten has Stinky/Squishy Poop (off and on)

    It seems my kitten is getting diarrhea, but it's off and on. She poops a few times a day. In the mornings it's usually normal, brown, and firm--, but at night time she has the most horrible smelling, somewhat squishy poops. I'm wondering if her food (which she eats more of towards evening) is...
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    Collar or Not?

    I've got my kitten's rabies tag (no name tag yet), but I'm wondering whether I should collar her yet. I tried putting it on her earlier (and got clawed up a bit). Once I got it on the noise has been driving her nuts and she's been scratching at her neck. We live in an apartment complex that is...