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  1. S

    Weird after spay

    Back again from the vets just now. She chewed the staples half way out. They had to put more staples in and put an e-collar on her. She looks like a space kitty now.... We shall see how long this lasts.
  2. S

    Weird after spay

    Well, we just got back from the vet because Stormy ripped out both stitches. The vet put in two staples and gave her an antibiotic. I hope she doesn't chew these out.
  3. S

    Weird after spay

    I am not sure if this belongs in this forum or not (seems more health related). Mods please move if you feel necessary. Stormy came home from being spayed yesterday. When I picked her up she was drooling all over her kitty carrier. She wasn't making any noises (and hasn't since then...
  4. S

    Stormy is in heat

    One more thing.... I was wondering if anyone has any anecdotes to help a kitten in heat until Monday gets here? I have been holding her more and of course she sleeps on my pillow, but other than that she seems to be yowling (when she is not sleeping). Any thoughts on how to help her discomfort...
  5. S

    Stormy is in heat

    Uh, no! I have learned that it costs more because yes the blood vessels are enlarged when they are in actual heat (cats are forever in heat, it is hard to tell actually...kinda confusing, but whatever). I have learned that I am very annoyed by the sound of her constant...
  6. S

    Stormy is in heat

    Well, I wish I had known she would go into heat early (4 months instead of 6 months)....I would have had her spayed sooner, believe me. She is driving me bonkers with the constant yowling. The vet said the earliest they could get her in was Monday, but I am going to call this AM to see if they...
  7. S

    Stormy is in heat

    Hi all! I haven't visited in a month or so. Everything has been well until yesterday. Stormy, who turned 4 months old on the 21st of this month has gone into heat. She has all the signs....hiney in the air, hind legs prancing, rolling everywhere, the yowling, etc. etc. She has even made friends...
  8. S

    I Need Everyones Help!

    I hope she will be ok. Not to go against what your vet said or anything, but from my learnings pumpkin helps to stop diahrea....maybe she is getting constipated because of the pumpkin. Just a thought. ~Wendy
  9. S

    Vaccination reaction in 8 week old kitten

    Thank ya'll so much. She is doing much better. I did call the vet and they too said that was a normal reaction in kitten's. I appreciate all of your replies. Thanks again. Wendy
  10. S

    Vaccination reaction in 8 week old kitten

    Hi. I would like to ask you all a question... I have an 8 week old kitten who got shots today (Leukemia and Distemper plus dewormer even though the fecal was negative), She has been very sleepy (lethargic) ever since....that was at around 3:45pm today. She is eating and defecating as usual, but...