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  1. sbw999

    Two Gone This Year :((((

    I lost my old boy Hobbs earlier this year. He was 18 and just gave out. Me and his mommy Jenny were with him the last three hours before he crossed the bridge. But tonight my 13 year old girl Angel fell from the top of a half wall and hit a shelf on the way down. She had internal bleeding, and...
  2. sbw999

    Our sweet "Millie cat" crossed over Rainbow Bridge this morning...

    She came into my life through a place named "Kitty City". She was over a year old when I adopted her in 2006. She was spunky, playful and loved our family. She was adopted as a playmate for her brother. My 18 year old black cat passed (Binkie), and Timmie needed a sibling. They loved each...
  3. sbw999

    My 14 year old boy needs dental work (cleaning, and treat his gum desease) ....but

    I have heard that the older a cat gets, the more likely it is that he might not wake up from anesthesia.  I had him treated for dental work 2 years ago and he woke up fine, but this worries me.  Anybody know anything about this? Thanks.
  4. sbw999

    Potty training??? Cat diapers???? Help!

    I have 7 cats. I had two, and my fiance moved in with her two. Then a family friend was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident, so we fostered his cat, who we then found out was pregnant. She had 5 kittens, and we were only able to place three. So now we also have momma and her two...
  5. sbw999

    Question about my ten year old boy...

    Hobbs is ten. He has always been a long skinny guy. In the past 2 years my house went from 2 cats, to 4 and now 7! (Don't ask, I'm not even sure how it happened). Now Hobbs is losing muscle/fat around his spine. He gets a can of Fancy Feast in the morning, eats his fill, and walks away. If...
  6. sbw999

    skull injury..kitten walking in circles

    We are fostering a mother cat. She had 5 kittens 5 weeks ago, and one was accidentally stepped on (her poor head). She has been on steroid treatment at the vet, IV fluids etc. Her left eye bulges out a bit now. She seems to be a little better, but tonight she just walks in circles and loses...
  7. sbw999

    need help!!

    anybody recognize anything here?? Hobbs stopped eating about 2 days ago; wont eat or drink. I took him to the vet yesterday. They ran a full panel of blood tests: only irregularities: slightly low white blood cell count, and slightly high thyroid level. According to the vet, nothing really...
  8. sbw999


    I want to clean my cats' teeth, but I am afraid of having them put under anesthesia by a vet for a thorough cleaning, not to mention that no local vet seems to do it for less than $500. There is no particular problem with their teeth; just time to be cleaned. Is there any good way to clean my...
  9. sbw999

    picture of my new bald eagle....

  10. sbw999

    Relax!! Stay awhile....

    nothing like a cat bench for his highness to kick back in. Guess it made him tired
  11. sbw999

    Too bad he doesn't pee in it first!! hilarious
  12. sbw999

    What does it mean when your cat suddenly decides to attach himself to your hip??

    For the past few months, when I am home Hobbs will almost never leave my side whereever I am. When I go to bed, he sleeps right next to me. When I wake up and stretch, he wakes up and stretches; when Im eating he takes the chair next to me and gets his scraps too. When I brush my teeth he hops...
  13. sbw999

    Rare footage of a Ginger Domesticus Caticus.....

    scent marking his dangerous jungle territory (just click the pic for a short vid)
  14. sbw999

    Question about neutered male cat spraying??

    Hobbs is neutered for many years now. I always thought that a neutered male couldnt spray. In the house his tail quivers like he thinks he is spraying, but he never does. However lately Ive been taking him for outside walks on a harness, and he is really spraying on bushes. What is going on??
  15. sbw999

    Something quite unusual to make you go "awwwwwwwww"...

    I came across this on a local news website. It is rather amazing actually to see the King of the Jungle acting like a big affectionate dolt with his rescuer. Just click on the picture in the story and watch the video of this.
  16. sbw999

    It beats going to the cat dentist...

    I was using my waterpik (turned on high!), and Hobbs decided he wanted in on the action. Nothing like vibrating your teeth with a tongue scrubber.
  17. sbw999

    Hobbs expressing his opinion....

    about me taking another picture of him. Guess Im lucky he can't flip the bird.
  18. sbw999

    A short video of my goofy cat!

    I've posted this twice and messed it up both times Hopefully three times is a charm. I thought this was one of those funny "cat things" just click the picture for the video!
  19. sbw999

    I guess this is why they are cats......

    Here is Hobbs showing his loving affection for my dish towel.....
  20. sbw999

    A sad story with a happy ending....

    This is a picture of "Sweetie Pie", named after what she was called. I just got back from a trip to SC, where my father had taken her in a few weeks ago. He and my sister found her at a gas station begging for food. My sister went to pet her, and she was very friendly. They noticed that she was...