Search Results

  1. torikins 4

    Not gaining weight

    Hi, My cat has not been eating and yet she has valley fever we give her prescrpition food and she hasn't gained any wait, but maybe if u give him/her a prescription food she/he will eat and gain weight? If u have any questions concering me, please PM me, Thanks!
  2. torikins 4

    Sick With Worry

    Hi, Do you live in the southwest? If so you may want to check if your cat has valley fever. It only costed me around $120-$200. See if you can get care credit and if your vet takes it you may want to use that. I had got a test for valley fever for my cat and then it came back that she has it...
  3. maine-coon-kittens-tabbies-and-torbies.jpeg


  4. Default

