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  1. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Squirt showing his stuff at 3 weeks- that is his brother Kash next to him.
  2. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Hi, Have had computer issues so couldn't post, but an update- Squirt continues to do well and improve- he is now 293g and quite feisty with his siblings! I have more questions for the forum: First, I was wondering, when should I introduce them to solid food? They are 3 weeks old today, and all...
  3. New to kitten care- please advise!

    New to kitten care- please advise!

  4. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Hi All, Just a quick update, I see everyone is so busy with kitten season, and I hope all goes well for everyone! Squirt has reached a milestone- he topped 200g today! He is now 207g and seems to be doing pretty well. All the kitties have weathered their virus scare, and we seem to be turning...
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  6. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Hi, I do have a vaporizer, but they are not really congested yet, just still a few random sneezes. Talked to the vet this morning, and he is sending me out some antibiotics, but he said he thinks they might have a herpes virus and the antibiotic won't help with that. He is sending the...
  7. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    That's what I was afraid of- of course little Squirt seems to be the worst! I have a call in to my vet (he's my large animal vet but will usually just see the pets too) to see if he can get me something for them.  Is this something that is usually pretty easily treated if caught early? Thank you...
  8. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Latest development- Squirt seems to be gaining weight, he gained 9g in 24hrs. However, now some of the litter and Penny (mom) are sneezing. Worried sick that they might have contracted something, although Penny has barely been out of the kitten room, much less outside.  The kitties are 8 days...
  9. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Thank you all very much- I will sleep (my four hours!) easier tonight!  We still try to offer the formula every four hours, he takes a bit about every other feeding.  Glad to know they are good to go with the eyes opening!  So cute- they look like little aliens :) 
  10. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Couple more questions, if you don't mind... How often should we be weighing them? I have been weighing most of them once every 24 hrs, but we weigh Squirt about every 6-12 hours.  Also, if we find that he is falling behind again, and he won't take the bottle, does anyone have advice for how to...
  11. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    WIth regard to the KMR- I never thought of trying something else as I was worried about upsetting his little tummy. But that is a very good suggestion! I do know a family with goats if nothing else works. We tried all methods with him- syringe, dropper and bottle. He definitely prefers the...
  12. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Thank you! I was so worried about the little one, but he seems to be doing great now. I went home at lunch time and he had put on 6g since midnight last night, only from nursing on Penny. I'll keep an eye on his weight (an now also his sister!). I have tried to let my instincts be my guide but...
  13. B

    New to kitten care- please advise!

    Hi All, We were adopted by a beautiful cat we named Penny when she was pregnant, and last week she delivered 8 lovely kittens. We lost one the second day (complete mystery) and the litter included one very tiny runt we have named Squirt. He was only 60 grams at birth, and we have been...