Search Results

  1. F

    Older Maine Coon Cat having problems grooming

    Smokey is just over 13 years old and doesn't groom like she used to. She just doesn't reach the back 1/3 of her body. I started giving her cosequin 3 years ago which helped for a while but now as she'd gotten older we are back to square one. She has never been a big fan of being brushed but...
  2. F

    Help with Kitty Diarrhea

    One of my cats has a mild case of diarrhea. She does one formed stool and then the second and sometimes third become diarrhea. She is about a year old, eating fine and very playful as usual. I just got back yesterday from a 4 day trip and the cats stayed home with a sitter. Also, they are...
  3. F

    Lonely Kitten starting to bite

    I have a 14 week old kitten that I am fostering. She had to be seperated from her siblings about 4 weeks ago (due to some health issues). Now that she is all better, her sibilings have been adopted and she is still alone. Her behavior during that time has gotten worse. Basically, play...
  4. F

    Anyone know a rescue group that will take FIV positive kittens?

    I have been fostering 3 kittens since they were 3 weeks old, they are now 14-15 weeks old. They were negative for feline leuk. and got their first set of shots. When I took them in for their 2nd set of shots and to be spayed one tested positive for FIV and the humane society said they could not...
  5. F

    Reaction to Vaccines ?

    Help! I have an 8 week old kitten that I have been fostering for 5 weeks who has been at the vet since Tuesday. She has a high fever of unknown origin. She is eating, drinking, pooping & peeing fine but has a persistent fever. The vet has rulled out Feline Leuk., it isn't pointing towards FIP...
  6. F

    8 Kitten with Fever

    I have an 8 week old kitten with a high fever. She is staying at the vet tonight. She is being treated for coccidia (going on 5 weeks now) and was treated for tapeworm as well. She has had her first set of shots (last week) and is Feline Leuk. negative. Any ideas on what other things can...
  7. F

    8 week old Kittens - Help! What's normal body temperature?

    Hi Everyone, I have three kittens 8-9 weeks old that I have been caring for since 3 weeks of age. It was a very rought start for all of them. After lots of trips to the vet, 2 emergency trips, and many sleepless nights, we are doing much better now. This is my first time taking in kittens so...