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  1. 2

    New declawed cat to clawed cat family?

    Apparently now she is not moving away which is great because then her cats can keep the mice out of my car ;) The joke is, or not, is that if Russia's not locked inside her place, he's at mine. And i mean, all the time. He's either on the railing by the front door to watch me in the kitchen or...
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    New declawed cat to clawed cat family?

    moochnnoodles No i haven't. "Technically" he isn't mine because the lady at the end of my apartment has "adopted" him into her pack. That being said, he's at my place WAY more often because then he only has to deal with two cats and ones scared of him. It's way more relaxed over here.
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    HELP ME! Kitten climbing onto my bed all night

    EVERY cat owner has made mistakes and you learn that's the biggest thing. Lucky for me, I've grown up around cats so I've never really had a 'new cat owner' phase. Somethings can be taught, some can't and some they will outgrow.I used to keep my cats off the counters until i moved to my new...
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    Giveaway! Win a FREE copy of "Makin' Biscuits"!

    Badger, my 6 month tuxedo, LOVES playing with water but hates getting wet. I finally kept the water bowl in the bathroom sink because everything was wet. He will also jump onto me from just about anywhere. Either floor to chest then climb up to shoulder, he'll walk off the main floor under the...
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    HELP ME! Kitten climbing onto my bed all night

    Both my boys were that way. I freeze at night so kitten teeth cant get through my heavy fleece blanket and my llama wool blanket. Beastly huge thing. Honestly, when either of them attacked my feet i would kick them from under the blankets. Never hurt them but it was enough for them to get the...
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    New declawed cat to clawed cat family?

    UPDATE So everything's going good, he's filled out and isn't acting nearly as food protective, he's just grumpy. Might be because of the snow and it's obvious his feet are bothering him. He's limping. Now that they're all kinda used to each other, (read tolerate the other breathing the same...
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    New declawed cat to clawed cat family?

    Red Top Rescue- thanks so much. I'm not a stranger to having cats around so I've gone through the whole introducing cats thing but they've all been young (year or less) and not such a size difference. As for declawed, yeah no experience. We had outside cats and never declawed any of our cats...
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    New declawed cat to clawed cat family?

    Hey all! So I'm new here and because this covers SO much, I'm not totally sure where it fits in. So here's the deal. I have a 1 and a half neutered male, Whiskey, and Badger, a 6 month kitten that will be getting fixed soon, both with their claws. Long story short, a neighbour moved out and...