Search Results

  1. P

    Which breed is best for my needs?

    Thanks for the reply! The truth is that I had considered getting a cat from a shelter and I did visit several in the city I live in. I have to admit that I was disappointed as nearly all the cats were aggressive and scared. It would take a lot of time, effort and patience to fix their traumas...
  2. P

    Which breed is best for my needs?

    Hi everyone, I have always owned cats in my childhood, most of them were strays and one of them was a quirky Egyptian Mau. Unfortunately I have been traveling around quite a lot during my studies and the years after and could not afford to take care of a cat. So, it's more or less 12 years...
  3. P

    Is this a selkirk rex?

    Thank you so much for your help!!! I will actually contact the British breeder in your link and ask whether I can get a kitten delivered in Belgium (there are some very cute ones) It is true that the Belgian breeder might have mixed a Selkirk rex with some other breed, and that is why the...
  4. P

    Is this a selkirk rex?

    Hi everybody! I haven't had a cat since my teenage years and now that I am more settled in my life, I am considering getting a new cat :) For various reasons, I have decided that I want a selkirk rex and it happens that there is a breeder in the country I live in. The problem is that she is...