Search Results

  1. B

    What do you think of Whiskas, 9Lives, MeowMix, Friskies wet cat food?

    I shop at FFC is $11.49 for 24/3oz cans. They have free shipping on orders of $49 or more. I order 3 cases of FFC and a 40lb box of A&H double duty cat litter. This leaves $2-3 left over (to get to the $49) so I get them a toy. They love this arrangement and so does my wallet! I guess...
  2. B

    Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

    Thank you all for the awesome replies! I really just want to give them a great life. The vet estimated mommas age to be about 4 yrs old. That made me sad to think she spent so long fighting to survive. Now she has us to fight for her. :)
  3. Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

    Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

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  10. B

    Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

    Update: Momma and kitty have been inside in their own room for almost 2 weeks now. We have been leaving them roam the house ("supervised" an hour or so a day) so they get used to their new surroundings. Momma visited the vet yesterday to be spayed (unfortunately she was pregnant again)...
  11. B

    Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

    We should have them inside within a few days. I want to be certain the room is absolutely safe before bringing them in. I'm not sure if the vet we used to take our dog to will see her sooner than the DNR clinic but I will call and ask. Momma cat brought me a present this morning. While I'm glad...
  12. B

    Very friendly Momma showed up with kitten.

    Let me apologize right from the start about the length of this post. For the last 10 months or so there has been a cat roaming around our house. We live in the woods with very few neighbors. She didn't come to close at first because we had a black lab up until the fall when we had to put him...