Search Results

  1. whittwhitt

    Kitten Aggression

    Howdy guys! So my kitten Cooper is almost a year old, he's probably about 10 months at the moment. I wanted to get your opinion on behavior since it's been so long since I've been around or raised a kitten. So when he's in his room (yes, he has his own bedroom with a queen bed, litterbox...
  2. whittwhitt

    New Kitten, Grief, and Wanting Advice

    So I have an issue I would love some advice on if you guys don't mind. I'm currently struggling with what the right thing to do is and and if there even is a "right" thing, maybe it all just comes down to preference and how you're feeling. *Also if this is the wrong thread please let me know...
  3. whittwhitt

    Paw Drinking

    Howdy guys! So I adopted my kitten, Cooper, about 4-5 months ago and JUST noticed that he doesn't drink water like normal cats... he dips his paw into the bowl and then licks the water off. I've seen him do this before, but the more that I think about it, I've never seen him drink water...
  4. whittwhitt

    General Cat Care

    So just adopted a 6 month old kitten and was looking for advice and tips on health/nutrition, supplements, things to start early. I’ve started him on toothpaste, thankfully he loves it and licks it off my finger – do you guys also actually brush their teeth or do you think him licking it is...
  5. whittwhitt

    Peeing on the Bed?

    So I just adopted my kitten, Cooper, about a month ago. I've noticed he's been peeing on his bed on/off - any suggestions or insight into why he's doing this? Coop's room did belong to my previous cat, who was very sick before he died and did have bouts of diarrhea and wasn't cleaning himself...
  6. whittwhitt

    Lymphosarcoma or Bacterial Infection?

    Okay guys, I’d really appreciate help with this if anyone has been through a similar situation or has any insight into what’s going on with my Tommie: May 13th: First vet visit for a fever (103F), not eating/drinking, lethargy. He is normally an inside only cat, these symptoms occurred the day...
  7. whittwhitt

    Diagnosis Help for Senior Kitty

    I'd really appreciate some help with figuring out what's going on with my senior kitty and what tests I should request a vet run when I take him in. I'll post a breakdown of when things occurred below, so you can see what the vet has recommended and what has and hasn't worked. So my 12 year old...
  8. whittwhitt

    Senior Supplements

    Hey guys! It's been years since I've posted here but I'm looking for some advice on basic senior cat care. My kitty is going on 12 this year and I'm looking for ways to keep him healthy. He has no issues with movement, normal energy level, very aware and alert, his left eye waters pretty...
  9. whittwhitt

    Stray Not Using The Litter Box

    Hey guys! I'm sure this has been posted tons of times before - but I have a stray who is not using the litter box. He prefers to pee and poop on my bed, clothes on the floor, the couch, basically any kind of fabric, even his own bed in his room and then he has nowhere else to sleep. I've tried...
  10. whittwhitt

    Stray Cat To House Cat

    Hey guys! So I recently took in two stray female cats. Both are skittish, one more than the other. They are super friendly, love attention, but the second they can hide, they do. So I bought two large dog crates yesterday - I was thinking if they were forced to stay out and see what's going on...
  11. whittwhitt

    Low K Help

    Hey guys! My cat, Tommie, had a senior blood test and UA back in October 2017 that showed slightly low potassium, slightly high Na/K Ratio, and slightly high eosinophils. The urinalysis came back fine. Potassium of 3.5 (3.7-5.2 mmol/L normal range) Na/K Ratio of 43 (29-42 normal range)...
  12. whittwhitt

    Stop Forl's From Getting Worse?

    Hey guys! My cat, Tommie, had a dental cleaning a few months ago and was diagnosed with two FORL's on his two lower canines. The vet said they aren't too bad yet, but the teeth would probably need to be pulled in about a year. They said it would cost about $1,600 for a canine amputation (we...
  13. whittwhitt

    First Dental Cleaning

    Hi guys! My cat, Tommie, is going in for pre-anesthetic blood work next Thursday and then is scheduled for his first dental cleaning the following Monday. We're going to run a senior blood panel + urinalysis and exam. I was wondering if any of you have ever asked the vet if you could be in...
  14. whittwhitt

    Eyes Watering After Vaccine?

    Hi! My 8 year old siamese, Tommie, had his rabies/FVRCP combo vaccine about two weeks ago (on June 5th). I noticed about a week after the vaccine that his eyes have been watering a little. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Maybe a side effect of the vaccines? Maybe just allergies or...
  15. whittwhitt

    Eosinophilic Granuloma Question

    Hey guys! I noticed a small bump on my cat, Tommie's, chin about a week ago. At first I though it was just raw or irritated because of switching him to canned food from dry; I thought that since wet food is messier and gets on his chin, it would cause him to lick his mouth more, thus causing a...
  16. whittwhitt

    Cat Diagnosed with FIUTD

    Hi! My cat, Tommie, was diagnosed with FIUTD (Feline Idiopathic Urinary Tract Disease) about a month ago. I was looking for some recommendations on ways to get him to drink more water and eat more of his wet food. I was thinking maybe adding the water from tuna or maybe a beef or chicken broth...
  17. whittwhitt

    Help With Cat!

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and was hoping you all could help me with a problem with my 8 year old cat named Tido.  Every time I take him to the vet I asked them if they think he is bloated and they always say that he isn't bloated, he's just fat. He's about 13 lbs. and since I noticed he became...