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  1. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Best of health and luck to you and Sapphire!
  2. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Sorry to hear that. I gave Pistachio the last dose of prednisone today. Will be monitoring closely to see how she is.
  3. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    You’re absolutely right. I will do so after this long weekend. Have to make a stand and yes they should be more aware. Thanks for your support!
  4. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Glad to hear about Milo. Pistachio is still thriving. Continuing to look and feel better with her appetite back to normal. Even with my attemp to get some of the veterinary service fees returned, was a no go. the vet is saying that he prescribed the steroid to help with the unknown inflammation...
  5. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    This is her today
  6. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Pistachio has improved greatly over the weekend since I started her on the prednisone. At this point I’m not sure if it’s just the anti inflammatory or she’s turned the curve after a week. 3 weeks since the vaccines. Just happy to see the lethargy gone and she’s not shaking any more. Appetite...
  7. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Thanks kindly!
  8. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Image 3006 is how she is now for last week. Definitely not her regular self.
  9. Nixstr

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    I am totally blessed to have found this thread. My beautiful calico Pistachio was at the vet for constipation 3 weeks ago. I was coaxed into getting the vax and rabies shots. A week ago the lethargy kicked in. No late night wake up calls for temptations and greenie snacks. Laying around, not...