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  1. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    Also, as a side note. Azithromycin actually made my cats poo worse for a while shortly after starting it. Tylosin did the same thing. I had to titrate up slowly (over a couple days) to minimize side effects.
  2. signgirl

    Cryptosporidium, Tylosin, S.Boullardi

    I am so sorry you are dealing with this too. I adopted a cat about a year ago from a humane society. He came home with Cryptosporidium...but I had NO idea for the first 7 months. His bowel movements were yellow, smelly, and looked like soft serve ice cream. Vet told me this was ok. Smh. I got a...
  3. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    I know this is yuck - but people need to know what they are looking at. This is Cryptosporidium poo. Most cats present with very yellow, watery, mucousy, and sometimes blood bowel movements. My cat never had blazing diarrhea...more like soft serve ice cream like bowel movements
  4. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    I highly the Hills GI Biome food. It's pricey but worth it! It def helped firm up my cats stool.
  5. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    I adopted a cat about a year ago from a humane society. He came home with soft serve ice cream like bowel movements that were yellow and very smelly. I had a fecal PCR ran on him and he was post for Cryptosporidium Felis. We've been fighting with meds off and on since September 2023. It's been...