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  1. Youngkody

    What's your process for cat litter?

    Thank you everybody! Didn't think I'd get so many responses. This seems like a great community 😜 just signed up today
  2. Youngkody

    What's your process for cat litter?

    I probably need to go buy a bunch of bags but I tend to do it like once a week and put it into another garbage bag as it's close to full. But my question is.. do you scoop your cat litter into bags everyday? Or whats the best way to do your cat litter everyday? Might sound like a stupid...
  3. Youngkody

    Whats on my cats nose? A wart?

    Thanks yeah he is going on 9 years. I assumed it was something only on his skin.. it's been a bunch of months now and it hasn't grown.. I'll take him to the vet soon. Do you think there's an option to remove it that's safe for my cat? Or better of just leaving it?
  4. Youngkody

    Whats on my cats nose? A wart?

    I'm not sure if I should take him to the vet or not. Please help! Thanks!