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  1. K

    Possible anxiety induced vomit

    Hi all, I posted here about my IBD kitty a bit ago, and everyone was so helpful. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this with their cat and what direction I should possibly look. I have a 3.5 altered male who we have had since he was 5 months old. He was very hard to win over, a feral...
  2. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Well, I thought we were doing okay, chlorambucil was effective, if hard on him. He developed a sneeze which we attributed to him being immuno suppressed. The vet checked him over and his vitals were OK. His bloodwork (a recheck of previous problem areas) wasn't great but wasn't indicative of any...
  3. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    I just called the vet and asked about some other nausea/diarrhea options. I'll look into the slippery elm!
  4. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Last night we had awful mucousy diarrhea and full refusal to eat. He had several accidents and clearly felt terrible. I think this is from the chlorambucil as it was a worse version of what he experienced about 2 days after his first dose. In this case it was 18 hours after. Last time it lasted...
  5. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    He is receiving Cerenia and since I've pulled him off Mirataz his appetite has improved. I was going to ask my vet next week about other options to use in conjunction with or instead of Cerenia because I do think there is still an aspect of nausea even though it is improved. Cerenia in the dose...
  6. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    I appreciate it! We actually originally thought it was Addison's after we got past the more common ailments but they ruled it out. It really seemed like it. We were between that and FIP. Man that seems like a lifetime ago haha. I'd almost forgotten about it. Both came back "no" in the Addison's...
  7. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Yeah I'm wondering if it's salt or carbs or both maybe. I wish I just had a vet who I could chat with about it. I might go back to my primary and see if we can just talk through some of it. My husband has a limit though, and is willing to continue trying some things, but I'm trying to be...
  8. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    They were going to do fluids and blood transfusion. They were going to put in an NG tube. They were going to start him on chlorambucil. I forgot, his blood pressure is also a little low. They were worried that if they gave him fluids that his anemia would get worse. He definitely is drinking...
  9. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Well, not a great update, friends. He is anemic, cholesterol is down (though not out of norm, just moving in the wrong direction), and albumin not really any better. They wanted to hospitalitize him for a few days to stabilize him, but when I pushed the vet, he said he thought he had a 20%...
  10. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Not much of an update. They said bloodwork indicated he didn't need B12 but did give us Cerenia. He got so lethargic from it and stopped eating, but after I took him off it he really got into his Koha Rabbit. Yesterday was the first day that I didn't feel like I had to syringe feed him. He isn't...
  11. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    He is getting the oral liquid but I imagine it isn't much faster than the pill. That makes me feel better that I shouldnt expect significant improvement just yet. He did (mostly) finish off the Koha can today but he seems to have issues eating the pate out of the bowl, even though it's really...
  12. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    He definitely is interested in eating, to the point of stealing my kids' Goldfish and animal crackers 🤣. He often will come find me when he wants food, but isn't interested when we put it down. He will continue to lick the z/d sometimes but doesn't really eat it. It's what we syringe feed him...
  13. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Really appreciate your input, I feel a bit more ready to talk to the vet next week if we continue to struggle with getting food in him. A lot of the stuff I'm reading seems like stuff that they should have already brought up with me, but in watching him dip into the 6 lbs with no support beyond...
  14. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    At our primary vet, they did bloodwork in December and found his albumin to be 1.2, his glucose was just barely considered low, but the rest of his bloodwork was fine. So we did an ultrasound which showed some inflammation. We treated it as IBD, with the plan to do this until we felt he was more...
  15. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    Yes, Koha is a limited ingredient food, very similar to the Lotus brand. I went to the local...I guess I'd call it pet health food store that has a lot of limited ingredient options. I tried duck (zero interest), venison (at first successful but quickly waned) and now rabbit. The other two were...
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    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    I can't seem to see how to edit but I want to clarify that when I said he ate all of the Koha, I meant he ate all of what I gave him which was about a tablespoon. Trying not to shock his system by switching too abruptly like I did with the venison (maybe)
  17. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered

    We have a cat who is tentatively diagnosed with IBD. We just had an endoscopy done at an internal medicine specialist and initial results indicate no lymphoma, but he has inflammation and scar tissue. He is 2.5 years old with no prior health issues other than being a little chunky. In November...