Search Results

  1. Yarnicorn

    Affordable and High quality

    I've been noodling around what brand(s) to best feed our kitties. We'd like to feed primarily wet but obviously that is more expensive than dry. What brands do you find that converge with affordability but also quality? Want to do the best for our kitties but also don't want to go bankrupt 😬
  2. Yarnicorn

    Worms - protocol?

    Tapeworm, hookworms, and maybe roundworms - hubby can't remember
  3. Yarnicorn

    Worms - protocol?

    We just found out both our newly rescued cats have a variety of parasites according to their fecal. We won't be able to get whatever it is they want to give them for it until Monday. We've had them for about a week. What precautions/protocol should we do with our house or cat handling until...
  4. Yarnicorn

    Possible Aggression?

    Yes they are both spayed/neutered. It's reliving to hear this response as we like both of these cats. I want to make sure the younger one is not having an awful time particularly as, like I said, sometimes he's more intense than that and she will yowl.
  5. Yarnicorn

    Possible Aggression?

    We recently adopted a couple of cats (2 year old Male and 6mo old female). They were in the same cat room together at the shelter. It's been a little over a week and there have been some incidents where the male is chasing the female. Sometimes it results in nothing like he halfheartedly puts...