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  1. englishpixie

    So scared it will not work out, should I be worried?

    Totally feel you on that. Last week I was convinced I’d have to give Freya (new cat) up, she was so anxious and peed everywhere. But I tried some new stuff over the weekend (Pet Remedy plug-in and Beaphar Valerian Spot-on) and they’re doing SO much better now, they’re even sleeping right by each...
  2. englishpixie

    So scared it will not work out, should I be worried?

    You should ideally have two of each resource placed so it’s impossible for one cat to guard both, that way they should both feel like they don’t have to compete for those resources. There will always be jockeying for position when cats are getting used to each other - that’s how they figure out...
  3. englishpixie

    My cats are driving me crazy

    You could try something like this to help them feel a little more chill - I just started it with my two girls yesterday and they do seem calmer: Beaphar calming spot on for cats I’m sorry things are so hard right now for you. When things are tough everything feels bigger and tougher to deal...
  4. englishpixie

    Bathroom issues.

    There are a few things you can do to try and improve their association with each other, I've been doing a lot of these with my two girls as I'm in the process of introductions at the moment: Feed them on opposite sides of a closed door so they smell each other at mealtime, and/or put a cloth...
  5. englishpixie

    Litter box aggression issues - help!

    I wish I could agree but no, she's an absolute darling but thick as mud XD when she scratches with her back leg her tongue goes in and out in time with it, it's so cute and funny.
  6. englishpixie

    Litter box aggression issues - help!

    I hope so too, they're both really lovely, sweet cats... to me. If it weren't for this litter tray issue I'd say they're doing amazingly for a month in. I suspect part of the problem as well is that Maia is smart as a whip, whereas Freya perhaps has one brain cell but only remembers to use it...
  7. englishpixie

    Litter box aggression issues - help!

    Thank you very much! Yes, generally Freya poops in the tray fine - though she usually poops overnight, and at the moment I shut her in the spare room at night since I don't feel like they're ready to be unsupervised while I'm sleeping (and don't want to wake up to a cat pee bed). I feel a bit...
  8. englishpixie

    Litter box aggression issues - help!

    Thanks! I'll try turning off the Feliway and see what that does. If by pellet litter you mean wood pellet, that's what we're using already, I'll have to have a look for the Cat Attract (hope they sell it in the UK!)
  9. englishpixie

    Litter box aggression issues - help!

    First time poster, hello! I have two cats, one of whom I’ve had for about 8 months (Maia, dilute calico persian) and the second for about a month (Freya, tortoiseshell persian mix). Both are rescues and roughly 18mo spayed females, living indoor-only in a two bedroom apartment with me as the...
  10. englishpixie

    What "gifts" have your indoor-only cats brought you?

    My dear departed tuxedo cat Ambrose had to have two teeth out right after I adopted him and turned out to have a VERY strong reaction to anaesthetic. He seemed okayyyy by bedtime, but when I woke up in the morning he’d left a melted ice pack outside my bedroom door that he’d dragged all the way...