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  1. M

    Cat scratching her face bloody

    I haven’t showered her in two months with dawn dish soap but I plan to soon. I will also be scheduling a vet appointment for my cat since I doubt bathing her will help whatever is going on with her face scratching. Thank you all for your advice!
  2. M

    Cat scratching her face bloody

    I ordered the e collar through amazon and will be getting here soon. i should have mentioned that i’ve been brushing her with a flea comb and checking her skin but i cannot find them like i use to, im not sure if they are few fleas on her or if they are getting better at hiding . since i haven’t...
  3. M

    Cat scratching her face bloody

    Hello, i just created this account and im new to this platform but i am a little desperate. my cat randomly got fleas after being flea-free for months. after i blocked off all the areas that were flea infested i started bathing her with dawn dish soap regularly but after i noticed that the...