Search Results

  1. L

    Cats breathing: Allergies or

    Aww poor baby. I have a cat that sneezes all the time. After multiple blood test and X-rays the vet came to the conclusion that he has feline herpes. It’s very common in cats and sometimes it flares causing sneezing. Probiotics seem to help. I would definitely get an X-ray done to be sure
  2. L

    Kitten vomiting after neutering

    Update: came back from the vet. It turns out he has an upper respiratory infection and so do my other 2 cats so now they are all sick! One is sneezing, the other has laryngitis and the kitten has what I had said. He is vomiting from mucus poor baby. The others are better because they are older...
  3. L

    Kitten vomiting after neutering

    Hey everyone! My little baby Zoom got neutered 2 days ago and they also did the rabies and distemper vaccine. When I brought him back he was running around like crazy. Today he barely ate and has been vomiting and has diarrhea. I will call the vet in the morning but does anyone think it’s from...