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  1. kiraaguma

    inappropriate toileting

    Thank you so much since following to it advice my belongings have been cat pee free !!! and i no longer have to give up my kitty !!! so thank you thank you !!!
  2. kiraaguma

    inappropriate toileting

    Thank you so much for responding to my thread. This is a very interesting take and thinking about objects she has been urinating on this theory makes a lot sense, i’ll definitely trial the theory alongside others, and see how how she gets on. In respect to bedding and just the bed in general...
  3. kiraaguma

    inappropriate toileting

    Hi all, I’m having a slight well major issue with my cats toileting. she’s 11 months old but around 2 months ago started urinating on my clothes and floor. more recently she’s began urinating on my bed and my baby sisters blankets which has become extremely strenuous. I took her to the vet...