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  1. RanniJee

    After surgery cramps and straining

    Today goapital will do another surgery. They did x-ray and realized that there is narrowing of colon and that caused feces accumolation. I hope that the 9 life myth is true and Rani gets another chance at life.
  2. RanniJee

    After surgery cramps and straining

    Almost theee weeks to surgery and 3 visits to internist (internal organ specialist), ultrasound blood tests, physical exam hefty bills and they still say we do not why Rani is feeling this way. Tomorrow again appointenent with the vspecialist, I feel bad for putting her through so much stress to...
  3. RanniJee

    After surgery cramps and straining

    Hi all thank you. She gets metacam(anti-inflamatory) every day. I will ask for the anti-spasmodics, maybe vet can prescribe.
  4. RanniJee

    After surgery cramps and straining

    Yes I am talking to the hospital. I brought my cat with me and they saw her strain for two hours while she was in hospital for examination.
  5. RanniJee

    After surgery cramps and straining

    Hi every one. My cat had chronic rectel prolaps, since one year and she is two years old british shorr hair. Two weeks ago she had surgery, where the surgen stiched her colon to her stomach. Since after surgery (two week now) she is excessively sraining. We went to see internist, she did...