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  1. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    Almost screamed for joy this morning! I've been offering Leo a wide array of his favorites since coming home from the emergency vet yesterday. He showed interest but then seemed to change his mind and would walk away. He ate a single piece of his kibble last night and I was hopeful but this...
  2. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    THANK YOU for posting about the reduced appetite after fluids. I had offered some of his favie treats, tuna, wet food, and kibble and he would just sniff, teeny taste, and then act disinterested. I was starting to worry. He has peed, though and that made my night :D Not sleeping or eating for...
  3. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    My floof had an enema for his huge constipation ball, but I did not administer it. I only trust a vet to do that, I'd be afraid I'd rupture something! :o
  4. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    We’re home and tentatively optimistic. They gave him fluids and said he might not drink for at least 24 hours but that is the first thing he went for, his fountain. So long as he pees in the next few hours so I can be sure his kidneys and bladder are ok, I will wait to fully exhale! They gave...
  5. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    Vet did an X-ray and found a very large fecal ball sitting on Leo’s bladder. The did an enema and immediately his bladder got big so it was compressing his bladder enough, it couldn’t flush kidneys so most likely the cause of all his issues!!! Never so happy to hear about poop.
  6. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    I found an emergency vet about an hour away. We are headed there now. Keep good thoughts for Leo, please!!
  7. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    HI! Thank you for confirming what I was thinking. You do NOT keep water away from a sick fur baby, their kidneys are working overtime to filter things. I understand he was trying to allow Leo's tummy to calm down, but I just couldn't let him go without water. So far, syringing small amounts...
  8. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    Thank you for the response! I was thinking of obstruction too. I have already decided I'm bring him to my old vet on Monday for an xray. I moved an hour away from my old vet so had started using this vet because they were closer. I won't make that mistake again! I also found that cat...
  9. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    This site has been a wealth of knowledge already! I just realized that his current issues might be due to his injected antibiotics. My cats have always ever gotten the pills/liquid but I was so concerned with Leo, I didn't question when the Vet said the antibiotic injection will last a week. I...
  10. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    He had a small bowel movement this morning. I have a litter robot and 4 other cats, so I had to stalk him until I saw him go in. They didn't do an x-ray but said his urine had no crystals and his bladder was not distended. I have another appointment already set for Monday in case he's still...
  11. myhrmayd

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    I found this site as I was scaring myself with millions of "what could this be" internet searches while I wait for my Leo to get better. Forgive my ramblings, I'm scared :( Leo and his brothers were my first fosters and I failed miserably at it. 11 years later, all are spoilt and sassy. I had...