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  1. EnjixKiri111

    Just a question

    Thank you ♥️ I definitely dont diffuse it and I'll use it rarely on myself too 🥰
  2. EnjixKiri111

    Just a question

    I know generally essential oils aren't safe for cats, but is it only when they ingest it or you apply it topically on them? I'm asking because I like putting a drop of lavender or other oils like ylang ylang on my wrist, I dont do it often, very rarely actually, just lately I've had sleeping...
  3. EnjixKiri111

    New kitten litter problems

    Recently got a new kitten, has her own litter, but insists on using my resident cat's box. My resident cat hasn't gone to potty the whole day today and very scarcely the last few days.(should mention that their relationship is great, my cat adopted the kitten) Kitten only plays in her box...
  4. EnjixKiri111

    Don’t know if introductions were bad/weird behavior

    From what I know a few swats, hisses and growls are normal during introduction stage. I was personally way too impatient for a formal introduction so I just let them do their thing and few days later they are sleeping curled up with each other. I dont know much about all this I'm afraid but I...
  5. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Thank you ♥️
  6. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    One thing I forgot to mention, the kitten has started trying to suckle on her 🤣 but my poor girl doesn't lactate and the kitten is quite aggressive with it so we try to stop it
  7. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    She goes back to normal when the kitten is locked away, which she usually is when we sleep since I'd like to keep my house in tact. But now I can definitely say it was motherly instincts, she has absolutely adopted the kitten, grooming her all day, play fighting that sort of thing. She was never...
  8. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Thank you ♥️ Well she seems to be calmed down a little, although I dont know if that's my wishful thinking, but she's chasing the kitten less and it's more or less quieter around the house. She has started grooming her and the kitten seems to love it, and she also willingly sleeps next to her...
  9. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Yes that's my lady in the picture ♥️ the lesson was learned the hard way with spaying, now the new kitten will get it when it's time
  10. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    That's how she is, hopefully it goes quickly
  11. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    No she never did. My country is a bit of an underdeveloped one, my parents never spayed her when it was time and now we thought there was no point, but due to some complications we had to, wish we did it a lot sooner but I was a kid and nobody listened
  12. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    The kitten has to be in her sight 24/7, if the kitten sleeps, so does she. But she checks in on her every 2 minutes. If the kitten even moves her head she starts meawing again. If the kitten gets up she has to follow her. Overall she's acting obsessed and almost overly protective. Motherly...
  13. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    No the growls were only for day one, now she's just obsessed with every move the kitten makes, as if she isn't allowed a step without her supervision. Maybe it's motherly instincts kicking in but whatever it is I pray it stops soon
  14. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Yes I'm hoping there will be improvements, everyone in the house is already at their wits end with all the noise
  15. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Thank you for the reply ♥️ Yes she is doing quite well, the main issue is her constant yelling which is getting on everyone's nerves. The kitten does have a safe room where she sleeps and the vet has already been contacted. She has been treated for fleas and is on her way to deworming treatment...
  16. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Thank you for the reply ♥️ the kitten is about 2-3 months old, she has been treated for flies and we plan to give her deworming treatment tomorrow. Also the needed shots are planned. It is highly unlikely this kitty is anyone's, a family member of mine saw it wondering the streets a day or two...
  17. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    Thank you for the reply ♥️ I was thinking about the formal introduction but for some reason abandoned the idea, the kitten does have her own space, sleeps in a separate room. The main problem is my old cat's constant yelling, which is frankly getting on everyone's nerves, including the kitten...
  18. EnjixKiri111

    Cat acting bizzare around new kitten

    A new kitten ran into my home two days ago, obviously a spontaneous decision, I had no time to prepare. My older cat, seven years old, is acting so strange even google can't give me answers. She is meowing, chirping, trolling at the kitty, chasing her everywhere and I mean she wont give her room...