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  1. Bully Kat

    Simbadol (buprenorphine) Injection Bad Reaction

    When I told my Vet about the side effects and how I want noted in his chart not to give him Simbadol Buprenorphine. The Vet said well that is common and any pain meds they give will have the same side effects. This was 3/15/2022 the Vet said he doesn't have UTI or Crystals not sure if the...
  2. Bully Kat

    Simbadol (buprenorphine) Injection Bad Reaction

    Thanks I'll call his vet and see if recommend it.
  3. Bully Kat

    Simbadol (buprenorphine) Injection Bad Reaction

    My cat Bully has UTI went to the Vet on 3/7/22. Bully weights 15.03 yes he is a bigger cat around 6-7 years old. The Vet gave him shot of Simbadol Buprenorphine 1.8 mg/ml inject. Took Bully home he ate a little than hid under the bed ALL night long. Thought nothing of that because he didn't...