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  1. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    We have a snowy Sunday here today and seemed like a good time to jump on and write down a few thoughts and provide an update. No signs of Spring yet! It's been a cold and snowy winter...more so than I can remember in quite some time. A couple of weeks ago, we had some pretty nasty below zero...
  2. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Unfortunately I don't have time to add captions at the moment but maybe I can do that later. Til then, please enjoy!
  3. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Well, I hadn't really thought about that yet and to be honest I'm not sure what's involved in acquiring pet insurance. I'm assuming it would require a visit to the vet. I know vet bills can add up quickly. When Chirpy got sick, I spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was wrong...
  4. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Hi @Margot Lane and @Jcatbird and anyone else out there! I'm so bad at posting updates lately. So glad you tagged me and thank you for your continued interest in the tree pile kitties! I had to look back and remember where we were last time I posted. Clearly it's been too long! So, without...
  5. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Oh gosh, I haven't been on here in a while and I'm just realizing how long it's been since I've posted. Sorry, I never meant to ignore your posts @Jcatbird and @Margot Lane and I really appreciate you jumping in and adding such kind and helpful thoughts @DeeCat. I'll provide a better update...
  6. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Thank you for checking in @Jcatbird, I really appreciate that. I'm glad you were able to get back online (hopefully for good!) and I hope things are well with you and yours. I haven't been on here much and haven't been posting since it doesn't seem like there's much interest or interaction on...
  7. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Hello...yes, even Stormy seemed quite relaxed there but unfortunately she went right back to hiding in her kitty cave every time I've been in there since that time. I keep wondering if I should have just removed her kitty cave when I had the chance. The only glimpse of hope I've had is that a...
  8. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Some interesting news from last night about Stormy. I had noticed on camera that at some point she had managed to tip over her kitty cave. It had landed with the lid still on and the entry face down so she had no way of getting in. It was also blocking her ability to hide behind it. I was...
  9. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    @fionasmom you always have such great info and insight. Thank you so much for your continued help. @Jcatbird haha I can just imagine your kitties all scrambling for their various hiding spaces to make themselves scarce when a visitor comes by :lol: I was reading about your Banjo having...
  10. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Ha, your Italian Job comparison sure makes it sound exciting! :lol: My understanding is that the HOA can send someone and they have the right to entry if they have sufficient evidence that a violation is taking place. I don't know exactly how they enforce that but my assumption is that they...
  11. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    As far as getting them in the house, I should be able to just drive into the garage, close the garage door, and then carry them into the house without anyone seeing anything. Thanks for helping me think through this. You bring up a good point that 3 cats could be as noisy as 6. Even if I...
  12. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    @Jcatbird - absolutely no need to apologize. Despite your superhuman strength, willpower and determination, there are only so many hours in a day ;) I consider myself very lucky to have your input from time to time whenever you can check in. I'm just afraid my way-too-long boring posts with...
  13. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Yes, I bet you're correct about the excitement of no barriers sort of sending them into a little bit of a full contact frenzy. I was hoping for some comments from those with experience in this area too. Anyway, I may have to try to set up some "neutral" ground for Lippy and Milly and see how a...
  14. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Thank you @Margot Lane for asking and for your interest. I hope you are doing well. Things in Kittyland (as a friend of mine likes to call the kitty room) are fairly good for the most part. Based on a previous suggestion from @Jcatbird, I allowed Milly and Lippy some time together, first in...
  15. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    I should probably clarify the back story a bit- Stormy was a great mom and took super good care of her kittens (Lippy and Milly), despite Stormy being less than 6 months old when she had them. It's just that after about 12 weeks or so, Stormy disassociated herself from them...kicking them out...
  16. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Lippy has been my social bridge cat for sure. I feel so fortunate she has seemed so naturally inclined to make the transition from the outside to inside and to being loved and cared for by a "scary" human. I don't know if Milly would have ever come around without Lippy. It's sort of comical...
  17. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Thanks for the info and great ideas as usual. Mallow does seem to output a decent amount of urine still so I suppose that's a good thing. He's seemed a little better the last few times I've gone in to check on him but certainly still stiff and struggles some to get to his feet. As for the...
  18. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Has anyone seen or heard of complications from the rabies vaccine? I'm wondering about Mallow today. I had the thought that his back leg stiffness and difficulty getting up seems to have really gotten worse since I took him to the vet. We did a rabies shot that day because the shelter that I...
  19. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Sounds like a bad storm. Stay safe! Short kitty visits and allowing them to investigate each other's space independently are really interesting ideas. I'll definitely think about that more but just thinking on it now, I believe I'll need to make a little more progress with Milly first to be...
  20. ChirpySquirrel

    Seeking help weighing decision to bring feral cat(s) inside

    Lippy can't go far. The room they are in is only about 12' x 12' or so. A lot of that space is already taken up by their enclosures and the catteries. I always close the bedroom door when I'm in there. The only place I would worry about is if she tried to scootch under one of the catteries...