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  1. S

    Does my kitten have worms?

    Yeah thats what I was planning on doing they both have high energy and the water bowls are never empty. Thank you for the advice!
  2. S

    Does my kitten have worms?

    Neither of my cats are outdoor the kitten got flea topical treatment at the vet in july and my adult cat has a flea collar. The kitten was checked at the vet and she said his heart sounded good and it didnt seem to have any parasites or fleas. This has only started recently and ive had the...
  3. S

    Does my kitten have worms?

    My kitten is about 5 months old. I don't know if its because I have been inconsistent with their food like switching food brands or stopping wet food or if its because he has worms. My kitten has been having diarrhea and blood in his stool. Today I started feeding him dry and wet food because...