Search Results

  1. Grant Sachs

    Q: Abort vs. carry to term?

    Hey everyone! My neighbor let my cat out and she got pregnant 🙃 I've fostered kittens before but they were already 6-8 weeks old which is obviously very different than raising newborns with the mom. The vet has offered to spay her this Friday, which is 25 days after conception. She's already...
  2. Grant Sachs

    4 Kittens and Approachable but Feral Mama, Advice Please! :)

    Hi all! Kind of long, so thanks for reading. So, here is the situation: A few days ago, I was on a morning walk and saw these kittens playing on a neighbors porch. I went and looked and they were sitting with one of the ferals who I feed treats on my walks whenever I see her. I had remembered...
  3. Grant Sachs

    Issue With Cats Tail

    Hi everyone :) i from time to time feed the feral cats in the alley behind my house a few treats while on a walk. one of my “regulars” surprised me today by coming right up to me, normally very afraid and stays far away. then I noticed something clearly wrong with their tail. I was wondering...
  4. Grant Sachs

    Picked up a Stray, Wondering what Breed(s) she Resembles? :)

    Hi there! A month ago, I picked up a stray cat (she's 6 months now) I found by my work. The vet said she resembles a Siamese mix but I was wondering if anyone had a different or more in-depth opinion? I'm curious what to refer to her color pattern as too, and if it will change as she gets...
  5. Grant Sachs

    Is my Cat Pinking up?

    Hi everyone! :) I am new here, and I recently picked up a stray cat. She is a Siamese mix and is a little over 6 months. I have noticed that at times, her nipples can look red, and at times they return to a pale color. About a week and a half ago, I started to notice them being visible without...