Search Results

  1. S

    Cat vomiting after Clavamox

    Hello, my female Cat (Mou, 6yo) was having problems with a UTI and was given a course of 7 days of Clavamox. The morning of the 7th day, she puked an hairball. This is unusual for her, but we weren't particularly worried. I gave her the last dose. Towards the afternoon/evening she started...
  2. S

    Lymphoma/IBD cat and Cerenia not working

    Hello, my baby boy (Lancelot, 6yo male) was diagnosed with Large Cell Intestinal Lymphoma ~8 months ago. He finished CHOP 3 weeks ago, after a somewhat turbulent rollercoaster with chemo side effects, but an overall great quality of life. During his chemo, he's never been completely puke-free...