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  1. H

    FeLV cat diagnosed with lymphoma, what to do?

    Thanks, I understand what you're saying. As far as I can tell, when a cat has FeLV, they can life a fairly normal life. But once they get lymphoma, it's weeks without agressive chemo, and months with. But poor old Luna won't see another year. I'll think seriously about what's best, but I...
  2. H

    FeLV cat diagnosed with lymphoma, what to do?

    So your FeLV positive cat got lymphoma, got chemo and then went on to live for another 5 years in remission? That's a pretty lucky cat.
  3. H

    FeLV cat diagnosed with lymphoma, what to do?

    Was that cat FeLV positive?
  4. H

    FeLV cat diagnosed with lymphoma, what to do?

    Thing is, it's almost impossible to be cured, just go into remission. Otherwise health cats can live decent lives. FeLV positive cats, on the other hand, do not. About 3 months even with aggressive chemo.
  5. H

    FeLV cat diagnosed with lymphoma, what to do?

    Hi, I adoped 2 cats from a shelter just over 18 months ago, they were 7 months old at the time. Both tested positive for FeLV. One of them, Luna, recently had dificulty breathing, and lost her appatite, so I took her to the vet. She has lymphoma, probably high status mediastinal lymphoma...