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  1. S

    Can I Get Recommended A Good ToothBrush For My Cat?

    Hello, So I just got back from the vet. We decided it be a good idea to start brushing my cat's teeth. I've gone through the process, so I know what to do and how to take it slowly. I have the toothpaste. But I was wondering if people here can recommend a good toothbrush. The main issues are...
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    Cat friendly Mosquito Repellent? So is something like this not safe for a cat? Being using it for a week now, and it's keeping mosquitoes away, but my cat has being sneezing a lot? ACTIVE INGREDIENTS : Peppermint..............5% Lemongrass oil.............27% INERT...
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    Cat friendly Mosquito Repellent?

    Sadly it's warm out again, and the mosquitoes have somehow fallen back inside my home again :(
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    Cat Got A Grade 2 Heart Mumur?

    So I just came home from the vet, and at the vet, my vet said she detected, what she believes to be a grade 2 heart mumur. Not sure what to do. She said I could check out a cardiologist. Thing is the budget is pretty tight right now. Not sure what to think? Thoughts?
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    Has Anyone Gotten Pet Buttons For Their Cats?

    Talking about situations like this? Just wondering if anyone has tried something like this out?
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    My Cat Dry Heaved For 20 Seconds?

    I'm in the process of transiting her to raw, but she gets a lot of wet before still as well. She hasn't had dry food in 2 days now. I brush once a week. Probably should try to do it more though. She is only 5.
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    My Cat Dry Heaved For 20 Seconds?

    The thing is, she is free fed, but she just eats at certain moments really. Never notice much hair ball. She is a short hair cat.
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    My Cat Dry Heaved For 20 Seconds?

    So maybe once a month, my cat will vomit out her food. Always happens an hour after she eats, and only happens if she hasn't eaten all day, and suddenly eats a lot. So she was sitting on my lap, and she starting gagging, she did it for 20-40 seconds, but nothing came out. She got out of my...
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    Saw A Black Cat Hanging In My Patio Outside? Anything I should Do?

    So a stray cat must have had a decent bit of human contact? And doesn't necessarily need to have live in a human home?
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    Saw A Black Cat Hanging In My Patio Outside? Anything I should Do?

    Just curious, I assume all abandoned cats that once lived in a human home, but were tossed outside to fend for themselves are stray cats. But are all stray cats abandoned cats? How does a cat become a stray? I know signs a cat is feral, is that you never see them, and they make no noise to...
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    Saw A Black Cat Hanging In My Patio Outside? Anything I should Do?

    The black cat is doing well I suppose, certainly getting more use to me I guess, but still can't get near. Off topic, but today I finally saw a fox in the area. I hear their yells all the time at night. But today, as I went to my bedroom, saw my cat looking out the window. Assumed it was a...
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    What temperature do most people use? I have a sous vide as well, but feel like it be a much bigger hassle with that.
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Okay thanks for all the help! If you don't mind me asking one last question. How do you recommend I heat up or unfreeze the food? Cause all the food is now frozen in the freezer. I know most people prefer to let it thaw in the fridge, and rotate it that away. But I recently got an air fryer...
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    So is the only difference what I'm doing and PMR, just that PMR is more chunks, and has a wider variety?
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Okay, sorry if I missed a link or something you said. So what exactly is PMR? I thought at first you were just feeding a whole animal to your cat? But that's not what it is? So what is it called what I'm feeding my cat? Just regular raw?
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Hello, Okay, so I'll try to find turkey meat. Besides pork kidney and chicken liver. Any other organ meat you recommend? Also any tips on getting a cat to want to eat raw? From what I read, a lot of cats take a while to eat raw.
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Okay, next time I'll try to find some turkey thighs next time. It's a bit harder to find that, and turkey thigh is surprisingly more expensive. My first batch, that's in the freezer right now consisted of: chicken thigh, chicken heart, chicken bone, chicken liver, pork kidney, water, eggs and...
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    So I ended up making the batch early. It's chicken thigh, chicken heart, chicken bone, chicken liver, pork kidney, water, eggs and fish oil. So that's my first batch. I'll freeze it, and start giving it to my cat once it unfreeze next week.
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Okay gotcha. I see some people recommend chicken heart, but that counts as meat and not organ. Will try to get some on Monday. What other organ meat do people recommend besides liver?