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  1. Ksp8s

    8 week cat not pinking up

    She is showing her belly is hard and big. And that’s why I’m confused why her nipples are still white to me they look a little bigger then normal but that’s it..
  2. Ksp8s

    8 week cat not pinking up

    Thank you for answering ☺️
  3. Ksp8s

    8 week cat not pinking up

    Yes, here are some pictures
  4. Ksp8s

    8 week cat not pinking up

    Hello, So my queen is 8 weeks pregnant and I know for sure because my vet confirmed it at the beginning and she is a first time mommy and this is also my first cat pregnancy, so i am seeking for anyone’s advice. I am wondering if all cat “pink up” during their pregnancy’s, because like I said...