Search Results

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    Is my cat pregnant?

    Hi there, the local vets are all in high demand for spaying and the next available date is next may (2022)! We have booked her in and will keep her in, she got out as my partners dads carer accidentally let her out! X
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    Is my cat pregnant?

    Hi all, Is my cat showing pregnancy? She has gotten snappy with my two other cats, has a large abdomin and her nipples look quite large in my opinion. I can't take her the vet until pay day to check Can you help me with this?
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    Hi there, thank you! She's defleaed monthly and is due her next dose on the 4th July, she rarely goes outside as shes very timid but her sibling loves the garden, the thing is her sibling is completely fine I've checked him over which is strange. I took her off Lidl's cat food and that made...
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    Hi everyone, I have just found this patch in the corner of Peach's mouth, I don't quite know what it is. She had swollen red upper lip before but has gone down and now this has came up a few weeks later... I can't afford a Vet at the moment and I'm just looking for guidance on what it could be...