Search Results

  1. C

    My cat wants to go outside but I’m selfish

    I think that as long as she is not leaving your yard and is hanging around your house letting her outside will not be an issue. Cats all have different personalities and some do better outside. Especially if she was born and raised outside than she is used to it and would be able to handle...
  2. C

    How to deter neighbour cats/remove their markings from my garden?

    If the male cat is neutered he won't spray and he won't fight or bother the other cats. We had a stray cat dumped in our yard and he was fighting with our cats and spraying everywhere after getting him TNRd he became best friends with everyone and stoped spraying. TNR also helps control the cat...
  3. C

    Need advice about my semi feral girl!

    Yeah that makes sense, however if she is all up to date on vaccinations then I don't think there is much she could transfer to your indoor pets. I have 4 outdoor cats and they are all safe to interact with out indoor cats. As long as you do not have many feral cats in you neighborhood that can...
  4. C

    Need advice about my semi feral girl!

    Would you be able to keep her as an indoor-Outdoor cat? Let her come in when she wants and leave food for her outside is she doesn't want to come in. If she is semi-feral she may feel more comfortable living outside with you still caring for her.