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  1. Tinkerbell's mom

    I have another devastating loss my beautiful Black Buddy cat is gone

    just know that he loved you as much as you loved him. I keep looking for Tinkerbelle in all her favorite places and we moved all her things to the garage as we didn’t have to see them. Hopefully it will get better in the future I’ll still miss her but in a different way just as you will with...
  2. Tinkerbell's mom

    How long will she last

  3. Tinkerbell's mom

    How long will she last

    she cried a few times today so we crushed a small oxy pill in water and gave it to ease any pain. she passed a few minutes later, at home, in her own little cat bed. we will miss her greatly. she was one of the sweetest animals we have ever had.
  4. Tinkerbell's mom

    How long will she last

    just wondering if anyone has had to watch their cat in the last stages of life and how long it takes for them to pass?? have an appointment with vet on Monday but wanted my cat to be at home when she expires. it’s going on day 4 and she still does not seem to be in pain but it’s breaking our...
  5. Tinkerbell's mom

    How long will she last

    we have an appointment to put her down for Monday but really wanted her to go on her own and just wondering how long she can last in this condition. She still doesn’t seem to be in pain.
  6. Tinkerbell's mom

    How long will she last

    My 16 yr old cat has renal kidney failure and has stopped eating , not urinating and drinks very little. She can barely walk.This has been going on for 3 days, how much longer can she last??? Vet said shr is not in pain.