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  1. SpaceDuck

    Growling cat

    Hi! So to start this off, i have 2 cats, both the same age, one cat is kinda just a loaf. Lazy little thing and then theres Mags(the one this post is about) is extremely destructive and misbehaved so we had to punish her for being hyper territorial and jumping on counters and such, so...
  2. SpaceDuck

    i think cat is having trouble with furball

    my cat mags is 1 year old, she's been gagging and nothing comes up, however, her stomach isnt swollen, she's eating regular meals, dry food and wet food in the mornings, she does seem a tad bit sleepy lately. she's usually sprinting around the house, seems to spend most of the day sleeping or...
  3. SpaceDuck

    cats got along beautifully, now one is bushy and chasing the other.

    hi guys! so i have two cats that main my house as they are my own, both girls, both under a year old. for the past few months i've had to watch my friends cat as well while he's on deployment, however, up until now they just played and got along. they slept together, snuggled, bathed together...