Search Results

  1. bengalwaffle

    Mysterious disease, help

    Hello, I am writing this post because I am desperate. I live in mexico city and I have a bengal cat named waffle. He just turned 3 years old. I bought him from a cattery and, since he was 2 months old he has not had contact with any cat and does not go outside. When he was 2 and a half years...
  2. bengalwaffle

    Bleeding from mouth, animic

    What happen to your cat? It sounds like my cat had the exact same thing.
  3. bengalwaffle

    Sneezing Blood

    What happen to your cat? my cat is 3 years old and he sometimes bleed from nose or mouth (we don't know where de blood is coming from) he is not sneezing blood, just fresh red blood comes out of his nose and mouth. he almost bleeds out one Sunday night, but doctors don't know what is happening...
  4. bengalwaffle

    Small drop of spit and blood

    What happen to your cat? My cat also bleed from the mouth and I don't know what could be. It is a lot of fresh red blood, he is 3 years old