Search Results

  1. Nknknk85

    Is this normal? Third eyelid showing.

    Hi everyone, I’m concerned about my cat. He is 7 months old. He has had diarrhoea for almost 2 weeks now. I’ve taken him to the emergency vet who did a blood test - came back fine. They prescribed a probiotic to firm up his stool. Hasn’t worked. Went back to the vet yesterday - they checked his...
  2. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    Hi everyone We have a 7 month old cat and we brought home an almost 10 week old kitten last weekend. I tried to implement a few of the tricks I saw online, such as bringing my older cat’s blanket along when picking up kitten, keeping them in separate rooms and feeding them at the same time on...