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  1. N

    Cat food brand

    Thank you for the link I am in canada (Ontario) and I dont have a budget set yet, but I am ready to spend within reasons. I was hoping to get an idea re budget after a month or so and then I will stick to it.
  2. N

    Cat food brand

    Hi all, I am trying to figure out diet for my cat. Our vet has recommended a combination of wet and dry food. She was supposed to give us a list of brand but I couldn't find it in her folder, I'm gonna ask her again but in the meantime can you guys suggest which brand is better for both wet and...
  3. N

    Cat pulled her stitches

    Thank you. I will ask re ointment tomorrow when I call them
  4. N

    Cat pulled her stitches

    It's really a little clear discharge. I called the er with this picture and they said to use half and half water plus peroxide to clean the area and wait untill tomorrow. I'm supposed to continue the antibiotics too. I will wait untill tomorrow to see if its getting better or not.
  5. N

    Cat pulled her stitches

    Hi We adopted our cat nymeria last week and she was spayed a day or two before that. This weekend we noticed she pulled her stitches and it being a long weekend we took her to ER. The vet there said the inner stiches looks fine and she didn't wanna re stich the outer skin as she was afraid of...