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  1. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    I will - thanks for offering! I'll have to ask my sister's kids what a DM is and how to do it in the meantime. This is the only social networking I've ever done and this is only my second time here... :)
  2. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    I'll ask the vet about the Aerokat. If it ends up being asthma, I might be bugging you again for training tips! :)
  3. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    I just watched your video and that's EXACTLY what she does!! She never has labored breathing or appears distressed afterwards. This is so weird.... It took me forever to find your video and I ended-up reading all the replies you got. It seems like people deal with it in a number of ways. I know...
  4. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    Keeping a calendar is a great idea. I'll do that and discuss antihistamines with my Vet. The cats & I live on disability so annual bloodwork isn't an option. I feed a high quality food, I keep them inside, and they see the Vet every year. That's got to be it unless it's an emergency, like when...
  5. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    Thank you for the reply. :). I 've been doing that, but I just feel like such a bad caretaker when she's going through it..... If my Vet agrees, do you think a daily antihistamine would be a good idea? Sometimes the band aid is worse than the original problem.
  6. SamChevyNala

    Vet says not asthma - ANY ideas appreciated. :)

    I've tried multiple times to download a video, but it keeps telling me my video doesnt have an allowed extension. I have no idea what that means.... The behavior looks just like an asthma attack. My 9yr old housecat has been doing this for months now. Sometimes the (sneeze?) is so forceful...
  7. SamChevyNala

    Chronic "hairball" coughing?

    Thanks for the reply! I hadn't though of asthma. I thought I would see phlegm / watery eyes/etc... or some other indications if it was bronchitis/upper respiratory. She really seems healthy.... I have videos and I know one of the Vet techs at my Vet office. Maybe I can ask her to take a peek...
  8. SamChevyNala

    Chronic "hairball" coughing?

    I have a 9yr old female cat in excellent health. She began stress grooming after I got another cat. She's always had hairballs so I give her "paw gel" every day. The stress grooming has calmed but she still cleans enough that I've kept up with the paw gel. Within the last 4-5 weeks she has begun...