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  1. Amandab2020

    Kittens scratching her c section incision

    She’s doing great actually. Eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom just fine. Thank you for the info. It’s very helpful!
  2. Amandab2020

    Kittens scratching her c section incision

    Will the kittens go back to feeding on mama fairly easy and what about mama not getting fed on with all that milk accumulating in there?
  3. Amandab2020

    Kittens scratching her c section incision

    They were born yesterday and no, neither.
  4. Amandab2020

    Kittens scratching her c section incision

    These were taken before c section. She delivered 4 on her own and they thought there was another one inside so they did a c section without an X-ray. There was not another kitten 😡 I was so upset. The vet insisted she needed a c section because he could feel one but it ended up being her...
  5. Amandab2020

    Kittens scratching her c section incision

    Newbie here! My cat had a c section today and the kittens claws and scratching her incision and it’s starting to bleed a little. Vet is closed now, any advice?