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  1. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Today is a hard day. We have scheduled my cat to be euthanized tomorrow morning. I am racked with guilt right now, but I do not know what else to do. He has been on pain medication since Wednesday, which has been helping, but I can still see that he has episodes of pain. He has also been...
  2. desertcat

    My Cat is Dying...

    You gave Pichy a peaceful, beautiful goodbye. :hearthrob: That was a wonderful gift. I am so sorry that you lost her, but you were a great dad to her. She knows you love her and will be watching over you.
  3. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you, Elbee. That means a lot and it helps. My vet prescribed pain medication today to see if it helps with the painful spasms. Ever since Monday night, they've obviously gotten more intense, but since they're only happening like that at night when it's time to have a bowel movement, I...
  4. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Daftcat, I wanted to add that I am really appreciating your scoring system right now. I think it's going to help me in the next few days to make decisions for my boy. I was feeling the dread setting in earlier tonight, but right now, he's acting okay - not great, but okay. He just had a large...
  5. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    My cat threw up his dinner a little while ago and then a few minutes later started having those stomach spasms again. Normally, he seems to like it if I pet him after they stop, but this time, I put my hand on him and he let out a loud meow, like he wanted to tell me to stop it. This is new...
  6. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you, daftcat75. I was able to talk to my regular vet today. She agrees with the specialist that there is little that can be done about my cat's case due to the type of cancer they suspect (adenocarcinoma). The preferred treatment would normally be surgery, but that is no longer possible...
  7. desertcat

    My Cat is Dying...

    I am very sorry you are going through this. My heart goes out to you and Pichy. Two years ago, my 9-year-old cat developed diabetes and a heart murmur that gradually turned to heart failure. At the end, it was obvious that letting go was the right thing to do. He lost interest in all the...
  8. desertcat

    Krista's Care

    She's a beautiful kitty. I love her face! :hearthrob:
  9. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Tonight, I am struggling with feelings of guilt. There is a big part of me that wants to see if I can scramble together $5000 to pay the treatment center and get him started this week. It is so hard for me to see my cat so happy and full of love, but know that he is slowly dying. It feels...
  10. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you so much for the scoring idea. I think I will start doing that every day and see how it goes. One thing that's interesting is that, even though the prednisolone is not helping to stop the cancer, it has given him quality of life. This morning, he was up on the highest perch of his...
  11. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    That is good to know. I guess I assumed no one was allowed inside, period. I have considered contacting a mobile vet to see if they'll come to my house when the time comes. I guess I will see how my cat is doing and who is available before I decide. Ideally, I'd like to take him to his...
  12. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thanks, Elbee. I am sorry about Lu and that you had to experience this. Yes, my husband and I talked it over tonight, and we are just going to spoil him as much as we can until it's his time. If my veterinarian has any other ideas to help him, then we'll try it, but I just have a feeling that...
  13. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    I e-mailed my regular vet and will see what she thinks about the drug you mentioned. Thank you for the recommendation, and maybe it would help to extend his time, even if just for a few months. At the rate things are going now, I expect he won't make it more than a few weeks without some other...
  14. desertcat

    Sick cat, when is it time to say goodbye?

    Hugs to you and Spooky. I am so sorry, and sadly I am going through the same thing with my 12-year-old cat who was diagnosed with bowel cancer today. I have had many older pets and have had to make the decision to euthanize more than once. For me, it becomes easier to make the call when they...
  15. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you again for the advice. I will try anything now to keep him comfortable and with us as long as possible. I know that you have a lot of experience with this, unfortunately. That's a good idea about smaller meals. He's only been eating twice a day, and maybe that is part of why he...
  16. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you for the tips. My cat has teeth and, unfortunately, got to the point last week that he could sniff out the pill no matter where I tried to hide it. I tried sardines, hot dog slices, everything stinky. And he knew every time. If we tried to pill him by hand, he would hold it in his...
  17. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    We just got home from his ultrasound. We did not get good news. The vet says it's now clearly cancer, though they can't be sure what kind it is without a biopsy. He suspects it's carcinoma of the bowel. He said that surgery is no longer an option due to the size of the area. He said that...
  18. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Not five minutes after I posted this, he walked in the room and had one of those spasms with a loud grunt, the first I'd noticed today. And then came over and flopped down on my feet for me to pet him. He's rolling around and purring now. He can't be feeling too bad if he's acting this way...
  19. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    My cat seemed a little better today. He was social, affectionate, ate well, and had no spasms. I think the big bowel movement he had last night has helped him to feel better. I've had to start giving him liquid prednisolone that smells like cherry cough syrup, because he started spitting out...
  20. desertcat

    Constipation questions - IBD or cancer

    Thank you, daftcat. My regular vet recommended trying pumpkin, but the emergency vet blew it off like it wouldn't matter, so I never tried it. At this point, I will try it. I don't think it could hurt, and I appreciate your suggestions. He's had a pretty good night. I haven't noticed any of...