Search Results

  1. M

    Hiding / Unrination - 8 month ongoing problem HELP~!!

    I have a female indoor cat. I have had her going 7 years now. I used to live at a quiet dead end road neighbourhood for the last 5 years. 8 months ago I relocated to a new community for work. I live in a 2nd floor apartment, facing the road on the edge of a highway that connects into my...
  2. M

    Moved to a new place.....Problems with my cat, need help.

    I got a cat a few years ago, she was a rescue that basically spent the first year of her life in a basement alone. She was behind mentally, everything is new and scares her. I have had her for 7 years now almost and she hasn't really changed. The only person she likes is me, she is afraid of any...