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  1. P

    Cat happy

    Yes, I've offered them all of those and more with varying degrees of success. There are two wand toys that they love and one that they GO CRAZY for. That one I bought from Tomlinson's (not recalling the name at the moment) but it's a feather attachment that twirls on a spindle and looks and...
  2. P

    Cat happy

    Yes, I'm beginning to form the opinion that light and inconsistent exposure to the outdoor world do more harm than good. I am considering putting climbing shelves throughout the apartment and have also thought about (and then forgotten) placing a bird feeder on the patio (humming bird feeder...
  3. P

    Cat happy

    Ok, I hadn't considered the scheduled playtime angle. It's also helpful to hear that someone else had thought about not exposing them to the outdoors because of the same concerns that I expressed and had not done so with positive results occurring. I think maybe I'll just keep them inside full...
  4. P

    Cat happy

    I hadn't really thought about it in that context but as with most everything in life I suppose it all comes back to balance. Thanks for your insight.
  5. P

    Cat happy

  6. P

    Cat happy

    I have (am the guardian of) 2 cats. The oldest I found by the dumpster in my apt complex at about 6-8 was old. He's a BEAUTIFUL gold, tan, black and white mackerel/spotted American/domestic shorthair with possible Bengal crossbreeding. He was very clean and wearing a flea collar and I'm sure...