Search Results

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    Smuckers, Orijen And Acana Recall Update Not A New Recall

    I am on BC Canada and had bought Acana dry for a year for our cat , I wonder if that could have been affected as well
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    What Dry Food Do You Feed Your Cats?

    I would like to feed Open Farm or Blue Buffalo but cannot afford it but will try if it goes on sale what are your thoughts on Natural Balance indoor formula
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    I now have him on wet and dry
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    What Dry Food Do You Feed Your Cats?

    indoor cat food
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    What Dry Food Do You Feed Your Cats?

    When I first got Sam we fed him what the owner gave us then slowly switched to Chicken soup dry and canned then we could not buy it any more and switched to New Balance he was on that for a while then decided to to with a Canadian brand we were on that until he threw that up the switched to...
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    well while looking online some cats are sensitive the cat food I am using so we went to pick up some other dry and canned New Balance I am introducing it slowly also disinfected the bowls too less sneezing
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    Healthy Wet & Dry

    Hi Cat lover, My Sam is 11 too , I just change his food as well, when we first got him we fed him Chicken soup wet and dry, then had to change cause the food was discontinued so changed to Natural Balance wet and dry , then changed to Acana now to Performitin Ultra Duck and pea formula I...
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    thank you for all your advice I am going to call the vet today or tomorrow
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    no we did not adopt from a shelter we got him from a lady who had got him for her daughter but the other cats did not like him and he is an indoor cat
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    Sam is 10 year old neutered male cat , about 6- 8 lbs He has been sneezing for a few days and threw up 2 times , he is peeing and pooping normally , there is discharge coming from nose we have not taken him to the vet since we first got him , so I think we should
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    Worried About My Cat Sam

    the last few days Sam is acting strange , a few days ago Sam threw up his dry food for 2 days , I changed his food and added wet food too , now he is coughing and sneezing but other than that is fine should I be concerned