Search Results

  1. goreycat

    Long introduction is feeling too long

    Early in March, my roommate caught the cat that was living around the dumpster. She was pregnant, had her kittens, and finally we were able to get her spayed. (I posted about her previously as well.) She is NOT handling introductions well at all. It's been months and I'm discouraged and...
  2. goreycat

    Coping with a cat in heat (can't spay)

    I'm trying hard to remind myself it's not her fault, she can't help it, and she doesn't like it either, but some days I still just want to scream right back at her. Even though I know it wouldn't be productive! I've called a full dozen vets and rescues. The ones that are even still open at all...
  3. goreycat

    Coping with a cat in heat (can't spay)

    We rescued a pregnany cat a few months ago; kittens are now five weeks and it seems like mama is going into heat - lots of rubbing against things, flinging herself around on the ground, and screaming. So much endless screaming. All day and all night. I'm working from home for now, and there is...
  4. goreycat

    Mama loves her kittens but has little milk

    I've ordered some miracle nipples, but it's going to be a few days; no one around here carries them. The bottle kit came with three of the same size, and I've experimented with a couple different hole options – all of them slowly drip out if held upside down but don't rush out, looks just like...
  5. goreycat

    Mama loves her kittens but has little milk

    About two weeks ago, my roommate brought in a stray we'd seen for a while, and she was very pregnant. We got her to a vet for some care and have been keeping her isolated from the other cats since then in the bathroom. Sunday morning she gave birth - pretty easy labor, ate all the gross stuff...
  6. goreycat

    Tips/help Feeding Wet With Many Cats

    I'm trying to get to the point of having one wet meal and one dry meal a day, but a couple things are causing me problems and I'm hoping anyone can offer some suggestions for making this more manageable. Right now I have six cats, ranging from 12y to 9m. The two biggest issues for me are cost...