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  1. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    Thank you for all of your kind words. There was only one kitten. From what I understood, her pelvis is 2.2 and the kittens head was 2.5. Therefore he just couldn’t move forward. Today has been very tough. I truly believe she is looking for her baby everywhere and it’s so very upsetting. I am...
  2. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    We brought her to the emergency vet after 45 minutes of labor. It was determined that the kittens head was bigger than her pelvis and could not fit. She was given a c section and we waited and waited for an hour. The kitten did not survive. He stopped breathing during surgery. I don’t know why...
  3. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    She just started having very visible contractions! She seems to be pushing a bit as she goes into a squat position. No panting and not crying at all. Making little noises and cleaning herself. From what I understand it should take minutes to hours. Is this correct? What is the maximum? Thank you!
  4. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    Also thank you so much for the replies! It is truly appreciated!!!
  5. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    She is currently resting. She is either day 68 or 69 today. She would have mated on January 21st or 22nd. Earlier there was a larger amount that looked dark but very much like the consistency of mucus. She got up and started walking and it dripped out onto the sheet so it got it into a specimen...
  6. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    Okay, thank you for the reply! It is a brown/red mucus that has no odour. It comes out in a string while she’s laying on her side....she then cleans herself up. She does not appear distressed. Is purring a bit. And is eating and drinking. I have not seen much movement today from the kitten...
  7. R

    Pregnant 68 Days, Bloody Discharge?

    hi, first time posting so I hope I’m doing this correctly! My pregnant cat (two years old) Is on day 68 and I’m starting to get a bit worried for her. I noticed this bloody discharge about 5 hours ago and was wondering if this is normal? 12 days ago there was a tiny bit of yellowish mucus. She...