Search Results

  1. Maozer

    My 5 year old American Shorthair Peeing but not Pooping

    I adopted my American Shorthair, Benjamin, about three years ago. We just moved from the east coast to Missouri by car, and I guess the stress was a lot for him. He's acting normal (running around, purring, wanting attention), but he's not pooping very much. He has always liked dry food, but now...
  2. Maozer

    Moving My Cat Internationally

    I had lived as an English teacher in China for some years and thought I would stay here for quite a few more. That's why I took my best friend Maozer into my house. I need to move back to the U.S. now and I am frantic trying to find a way to take Maozer with me for a reasonable fee (not $5000...
  3. Maozer

    Cat Coughs

    Three nights ago I woke to hear my cat, 'Moazer', gagging and wretching, though he did not throw up. I thought he might have furball. He hasn't gagged since, but several times a day he produces a small reflex- I want to say a cough but it doesn't sound like a cough. Maybe it's a gag reflex. Air...
  4. Maozer

    Iflutd In My Two Cats After Nueturing!

    I have two cats who just got neutered, brothers, both just over a year old. I had to go abroad at the time, and unfortunately, they were in the kennel when the neutering took place. They both are wearing cones, and have external sutures. The vet said it would be OK to remove the cone on one of...