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  1. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    Sadly switching everyone to wet food isn't a very feasible option for me :/ I have 11 rescues, and an all wet diet on just a cheaper brand of food would be over $900 a month! I've switched everyone to a salmon and lentil food as it's one of the very few foods on any kind of affordable budget...
  2. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    She has a sensitive stomach and probable issue with chicken! I've been doing a slow switch to a non chicken food, but I messed up my ratio and upset her tummy again :( But before that she had def been doing a lot better!
  3. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    This one here! It seems to works quite well for my other cats if anyone has any random boute of upset tummy.
  4. Chibiwings

    Food recommendations, possible chicken allergy?

    Oh no 😭 I am so sorry. I just went through a similar.. The kitty with the sensitive tummy is from a group of 4 two week old kittens that I bottle raised... their brother had to be pts at 5 months due to kidney deformities. 😔
  5. Chibiwings

    Food recommendations, possible chicken allergy?

    Mine were on friskies for a long time and I honestly never had much of any issues with it 😶 until this girl. Her siblings have no problems with it, she's just a special case baby ig Also cats just...find me 😅😫 I moved in 2022 with five and I was happy with that...then in the last 2 years the...
  6. Chibiwings

    Food recommendations, possible chicken allergy?

    Its definitely a hard time, every food that doesn't have chicken also seems to be grain free and I've heard TONS of mixed things on feeding grain free food. It's honestly such a battle atm, she was fine on kitten food with chicken but the slow switch to adult food something went wrong somewhere...
  7. Chibiwings

    Food recommendations, possible chicken allergy?

    tl;dr: I free feed due to rescue cats who only eat when no one is around. I have one who is recently having tummy issues (possible chicken allergy, no other symptoms aside from diarrhea) , so I am looking for a food that won't make me go broke, may agree with her better, that I can hopefully...
  8. Chibiwings

    Flea medications? [Nexgard Combo]

    I am looking for advice/thoughts on the flea medication Nexgard Combo? I've never needed flea meds before, but since moving out here we've had issues on more than one occasion. I won't lie. Flea meds scare me so badly, I am terrified one of my [11] cats will have some sort of adverse reaction to...
  9. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    Just to add she was NOT given any of the treats, but I believe a cat decided they did not want theirs and her little sneaky self stole them.
  10. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    And we are back to the upset stomach again I seem to see a pattern here, before I made this post Friday she stole a few temptation treats on Thursday night when I was giving them to the other cats. Her poops have been good since Monday as far as I am aware, then yesterday evening I gave very...
  11. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    Just gonna update that 2 days on the probiotic and psyllium husk, her poops have improved!
  12. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    Thank you for the links I will read through the pet nutrition! I have a multi probiotic coming tomorrow with s boulardii in it, it isn't the only one in there but reviews were very positive so I am hoping it will be enough? I've been seeing more reports on pet foods causing bloody diarrhea...
  13. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    She gets lots of compliments at the vet! She is my lovely little baby and I adore her, I just want her tummy to finally be happy again! Also just ordered some psyllium husk powder to try and help as much as I can.
  14. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    I could try it, but she has free reign of everything now so she can get into the cat feeders with the other foods. I may add wet food back into her diet instead? When they were younger they were on wet and dry kitten food, since they came to me so young. I wanted to give them as much nutrition...
  15. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    She was doing super well on the purina kitten food, it was when we started switching to adult foods that her tummy got so angry! Im hoping we can get this figured out soon
  16. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    Looking through the foods I can afford and get, everything seems to have chicken by product meal as a second or third ingredient in it :mad: Cat food has been very hard to come by out here recently, I've actually been having to order what I do get online because the stores are just not stocked!
  17. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    The vets first recommendation was the metronidazole for a week, a panel was done for parasites but that was it. She was on 50mg twice a day for the metro, for 7 days. From what I have read currently it seems like the 7 days may have been too short of a time :/ She is on purina gentle cat chow...
  18. Chibiwings

    Persistent diarrhea even after antibiotics, help?

    I have a cat [9 months] who just finished a week of Metronidazole on Monday, but she is still having "soft" poops. Before she was having very bad, smelly, bloody/jelly poops. We've been struggling with it since start of November. On metro they improved greatly, and by the 7th day it seemed like...
  19. Chibiwings

    Lumps In Breast Tissue Of 5/6 Month Old Kitten

    Thanks so much for the replies! I called again and with something to tell them, they are going to work us in tomorrow to get her checked out! I keep a close eye on them, and they dont seem to be too tightly swollen or full of fever or anything of the sort... though she barely sits still long...