Search Results

  1. JJ Hochberg

    13 Month Old Cat Weights 3.5 Lbs?

    @Furballsmom @lisahe After being reminded, T finally posted somewhere to get Mimi rehomed. Apparently, Persians are of high demand, so Mimi got picked up only a few hours later. I got home when Mimi's new parent was about to leave, so I didn't hear much of their conversation, but T did...
  2. JJ Hochberg

    13 Month Old Cat Weights 3.5 Lbs?

    Thank all of you for your kind help. The cat’s name is Mimi, short for something in a foreign language I think. My roommate has bought at least five different kinds of food for her. I think she’s keeping the prescribed wet food down, but she only eats like 2 ounces each day. After sleeping on...
  3. JJ Hochberg

    13 Month Old Cat Weights 3.5 Lbs?

    My roommate's Persian cat has been ill for several months now. She hasn't grown an inch since when she was eight months old, and even before that, she was a relatively small cat. She throws up everything she eats, which isn't that much food to begin with. She also has health issues that are...